Eternity For Life

Every one who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved (ROM:10:13).

Daily Dose

Eternity For Life is committed to reaching out to people who are determined to face the challenges of every day life in a manner that is pleasing to God. By producing the daily dose articles designed to encourage the like minded believer by reminding them about how awesome And loving and generous God is to those who He has placed into His family. By doing so it is Eternity for life desire to give the daily nourishment of God’s word to strengthen the believer so that they may glorify God by the way they face everyday challenges.

Sharing The Faith

Eternity For Life also encourage the believer to do their part in the Great Commission by sharing their faith with people who has not made their confession of faith in the works of Jesus Christ concerning the forgiveness of their sin. God gave the Gospel to man, andGod gave the responsibility to man to give the Gospel He made for man, and give it to man.

Sharing/Discussion/Prayer Requst.Product

Our Purpose

Our purpose is to encourage those who believe in God, in an effort to support them with God’s word and strengthen faith as they face the challenges of every day life in this world. In addition it is also our purpose to reach as many people as we can, those who know Christ and has fallen away, and those who don’t know Him at all.

It is the intention of Eternity For Life to accomplish this through the publishing of the daily devotion, which is called the daily dose, and by giving the readers the opportunity to respond and interact by posting their comments to the articles, and by asking questions to clarify their understanding and even to challenge what they have read, expressing their disagreement. Eternity For life encourage prayer request, to fulfill God’s word instructing us to pray for one another.

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